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Viken Mikaelian

Viken Mikaelian

CEO, Major Gifts LLC

9 Steps to Getting a Promotion

Even if you’ve been stuck in the same job for years, it’s never too late to make new career strides and establish yourself as a valuable employee who deserves greater responsibilities.

Revitalize your career:

  1. Work for an organization where promotions are possible. For example, if you work for a small organization with a long-term workforce, there might be fewer opportunities for promotion.
  2. Start each day with a plan. Many employees arrive at work, grab a cup of coffee, socialize for a while, and then try to figure out what to do. Have a plan before you go to bed. With a plan, you can start your day effectively and get a head start on the competition.
  3. Go above and beyond. If everyone else arrives at 8 a.m. and leaves by 5 p.m., you should arrive at 7:30 and leave at 5:30. It doesn’t take long for people to identify you as the person that comes in early and leaves late. Find a way to stand out as a superior employee.
  4. Always be early. If something is due by Friday at 5:00, have it completed on Thursday. Be 100% reliable. And be on time for meetings. Avoid letting anyone down. Be impeccable with your word.
  5. Avoid making enemies. Be one of those people that everyone likes and admires. It’s not hard to be pleasant when a promotion is at stake. Avoid gossip and remember that you never know where what you say or write will end up.
  6. Be indispensable. There are certain people that your organization can’t do without. You probably know a few of them. What can you do to be so valuable that the company will try to keep you happy?
  7. Identify the important people. Where is your promotion likely to be? Whom would you work for? Start making friends and prove your worth. Specifically ask about the position and what qualities are needed. Begin developing and advertising your skills necessary to be successful.
  8. Speak to your boss and human resources. Let them know that you’d like a promotion in the near future. You’ll be viewed favorably for showing initiative, and you’ll be on their radar. Being proactive shows that you’re willing to take on greater responsibilities.
  9. Apply for appropriate positions. Keep your eye on the job postings. You can even suggest creating a new position that’s perfect for your background, skills, and interests.

You have much less competition than you think. Most employees aren’t willing to earn a promotion. However, if your best efforts fail, it might be time to look to another organization. The perfect promotion for you already exists somewhere. Weigh your options and enjoy your promotion.

By the Numbers

Consider the recruitment opportunities for your organization that these stats indicate:

  • About 63 million Americans (25% of the adult population) volunteer their time, talents, and energy to making a difference.
  • These people spend an average of 52 hours/year volunteering.
  • 72% of volunteers are involved with only one organization, while 18.3% are involved with two.

Random interesting stats presented monthly from various sources.