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Viken Mikaelian CEO

Viken Mikaelian CEO

Majorgifts.com LLC

Drive Your Resume to the Top of the Pile

There is still stiff competition for many job openings, so you need a way to make your resume stand out in a crowded field of candidates. The CCAR model is one proven technique that can help you get noticed by employers and show off your accomplishments to your best advantage.

This guide is an explanation of the 4 elements of CCAR and how to use this format to create a memorable resume.

The Four Elements of CCAR

  1. Describe the context. Begin by setting the stage for your story. Set out what organization you worked for and any relevant details, like its mission and size. Provide your official job title and the role you played.
  2. State the challenges. Explain the obstacles you worked to overcome.
  3. Chronicle your actions. Spell out precisely what you did to respond to the challenge.
  4. Report the results. Talk about the final outcome and its impact on your organization.

Additional Suggestions for Using CCAR

  1. Tell a compelling story. Try reading your stories out loud to test how interesting they might sound to a recruiter. Make your language concise and vivid.

  2. Develop multiple examples. If possible, include more than one CCAR story for each position on your resume. Recruiters will usually read a resume slightly longer than one page if they see the qualifications they’re looking for.

  3. Draw on all your experiences. Sometimes other areas of your life can provide useful stories. In addition to your past jobs, think about what you’ve done through volunteer services, self-employment, or other activities.

  4. Use numbers. Quantifying your contributions strengthens your credibility. Calculate how much money you raised for the organizations where you worked.

  5. Be specific. Paint a clear picture throughout your story. Details are more convincing than generalities.

  6. Remain relevant. Read vacancy announcements carefully so you can tailor the stories you use to each opening. You may wish to emphasize different aspects of your background depending on the circumstances.

  7. Start with the recent past. Stick to the last 10 years of your work history for the most part. If you have something from further back that you want to cite, mention it in your cover letter.

  8. Focus your job search. If you get stumped when you try to come up with relevant CCAR stories for a particular job, it could be a warning sign. When your qualifications are a good match for the opening, the process is usually easier.
  9. Highlight awards and recognition. Recognition by others is another strong selling point. List any awards you receive or cite positive media references to your work.

  10. Include your education and training. You can also integrate your education and training into your CCAR stories. Show how your degree in economics or fluency in Russian enabled you to get the desired results.

Whatever your career goals, the CCAR model can be adapted to improve your performance in any behavioral-based interview or employee evaluation.

Put CCAR to work to drive your career to the next level!

By the Numbers

Consider the recruitment opportunities for your organization that these stats indicate:

  • About 63 million Americans (25% of the adult population) volunteer their time, talents, and energy to making a difference.
  • These people spend an average of 52 hours/year volunteering.
  • 72% of volunteers are involved with only one organization, while 18.3% are involved with two.

Random interesting stats presented monthly from various sources.